*°*¤≫£i£ Punk≫¤*°*
-B@d G|R£-
¢u±e a§ he££ ho± a§ heaven ≪
·°*¤≫Candy Babe≫¤*°·
F£øweR PøweR
<*GiR£ PoweR*>
*·¨:≫GiV Me A HuG≪:¨·* ({)
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤~*~ur name herre~*~¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°
Rø§e§ aRe Ređ ViøLet§ aRe ßLue ?øđ мađe мe ÞRett¥ ωħat ħªÞÞeИeđ
tø ¥øu
*·¨:≫GiV Me A HuG≪:¨·*
:* ÐøwN A§§ ChicK *:
(?`· _)ⓒotton Cand¥(?`·
(*)¤· ¸¸ ×bab¥ ange£ on eaRth× ¸¸ ·¤(*)
¤ßaßy GANg§teA¤
≪::≫≪::≫Gumm¥ ßeaR ≪::≫≪::≫
·°*¤≫£i£ Mi§§ naugh±y≫¤*°·
~¤Poøh BeaR¤~
≪¤1Øo% NAuGhT¥¤
·:°*¤§ka±eR ¤*°:·
º¤punk¸ ° ¸ki±±en¤º
·°*¤≫Punk PRInce§§≫¤*°·
*¤* ¸¸ ·´¨`≫*≪´`≫*≪´¨`·
¸¸ *¤*
¸¸.·*´?`v´?`*·.¸¸ × * × ¸¸.·*´?`v´?`*·.¸¸
·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:· ·:*:·
..¤ ¸.·´¸.·´¨)
¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ (¸.· ·¸.·´?`·>≫
__ .·*·. __ ¸.·°*´¨`·. your name here .·´¨`*°·.¸ __ .·*·. __
(¸.·°´¨ `v´ ¨`°·.¸)(¸.·°´¨ `v´ ¨`°·.¸)
¤≫Gø£den GiRl≪¤
≪¤§aÞÞhIRe Ange£¤≫
¤¨¨¤§wee± ⓒhiⓒk¥¤¨¨¤
¨¨*Mønke¥ Trøub£e*¨¨
We££ ÐuH¿?
≪°¤*¡'m Th? ß¡†ⓒh Thªt ?v?r¥ØN? Hªt?§*¤°≫
(?`·.·´?) `·.,(?`·.·´?) (?`·.·´?)·´ `·.,.·´ £u§iou§ Ki++y
ßootY£iⓒiou§ ßaßE(K)
(L)≫≫-(?`v´?)--≫≫(L)..CuPiD's ShOt mE..(L)≪--(?`v´?)-≪≪(L)
³eye canÐy
¤.·:*¨P¨ *:·.·:*¨R¨*:·.·:*¨ I¨*:·..·:*¨N¨*:·.·:*¨C¨*:·. ·:*¨e¨*:·.·:*¨§¨*:·.¤
≪(F)°¤¨;)*he££o Gorgeous*;)¨°¤(F)≫
*.¸¸.·´¨`≫InNøCeNT≪´¨`·.¸¸ .*
*`*`§taR §o bRight in the §ky þlz give the wi§h I de§iRe `*`*
.·°*¤≫£i£ Mi§§ naugh±y≫¤*°·.
¤*°·.Boy§ £Ie, Boy§ Chea†, †he woR£Ð wou£Ð be be††eR
wI†hou† †hem ¤*°·.
(L)·.°¤£ove means neva having ±o say ur sorry¤°.·(L)
°·.·*¤When ¥ou ca££ m¥ name ¥ou'Re §±i££ ±heRe.
Ju§± £ike
a pRa¥eR i'££ ±ake ¥ou ±heRe, Dad aRe ¥ou §±i££ ±heRe ¤*·.·°
*.·°¤iMaGiNe Ur LiFe WiThØuT Me- -Mi§eRaBLe HuH ¤°·.·*
· *·.·:·.·*¤fRom ange£§ wing§ ±o fa££ing §±aR§, God make§ eveRy±hing bu± unbReakab£e
≫--≫~Few women admi± ±heiR age. Few men aC± ±heiR§~≫--≫
¿ *¤≫~How Can i mi§§ ¥ou if ¥ou won'± go awa¥~≫¤*¿
¿ ¤Wa±_đo_u_±hinK_uR_boyFRienđ_i§_đoin_noW¤¿
(He§ Wi±h Me)
~°≪§mi£e, iT §CaRe§ tHe @$%# ØuTta ?eØ?£e≫°~
°¤~§ave §an±a ±he ±rip. ße naugh±y~¤°
≪If he weRe a ßeaR, I wou£d ß hi§ huney≫
i £ove roⓒk n roll §o ?u± Ano±er đime in ±ha juke-ßox ßaßy
LiKe WhUt u SeE ¿ Call 1-80
"--" ¿?*§omeøne P£z TaLk 2 Me*¿? "--" says:
º §wEeT a§ Canđy~HøTT a§ FiRe~iM đe§cRißiNg ThE ßo¥
ThaT i ađmiRe º
~ ~đo Y? Like It When I §h?ke It For Y? đ?ddy Move It All
¤±he §hoR± bu± §wee± one¤*°·
≪…:¤¨¨¤:… ße±WeeN me AnÐ yºu…:¤¨¨¤:…≫
~¤~ ~ ~§wEeT Lil Mi§§ §eXy ThaNg ~ ~ ~¤~
~What Ðo I Ðo To All My Niggaz That Be Livin It Up ¿¿ What I Ðo To All My B*t¢hes That Be
Givin It Up~
~ ~¤§exy Boy Yer §o Fly..I Might Juss Give You A Try ¤~ ~
~ ~¤Candee Tastes Good But Mah Kisses Are Bettah ¤~
~¤__ Is §ooo......Mmmm Mmmm Good ¤~
~¤ ~Lil Miss Perfe¢tion ~ ¤~
≫ * IrRe§istiߣe * ≪
≫¤ ¤ * CRazy/ßeautifu£ * ¤
_:`≫i'm no± Cmi£in @ U, i'm Tr¥in No± tO £augH≪ :_
º¤wa†ⓒh me droÞ droÞ ?hake i† ?or da ?e££az who kno¤º
≫¤wa†ⓒh me ÞoÞ ÞoÞ my hiÞ? a? i diÞ n ro££¤≪
≫¢£oThe$ AnÐ MAkeup ßoys & £ie$≪
¤·.¸ .·°C*·.¸.·°U*·. ¸.·°T* ·.¸. ·°I*·.¸ .·°E*·.¸ .·¤
в я ∪ и ε ŧ ŧ ε . в α в ε
ßaßy GiRl
¤Should I Smile Because We're Friends,Or Cry Because Thats All We'll Ever Be ¤
¤There Is No I In S-L-U-T..But There Is A U ¤
¤Dont Call Me A Bitch, Its Ms. Bitch To You ¤
¤Stutin Our Stuff,Shakin Our Booties, Me -N- My Girlies Are Lil Cuties ¤
¤Id Tell You To Go To Hell,But All Dogs Go To Heaven ¤
Delicious Lips *Devil
"--" ¿?*§omeøne P£z TaLk 2 Me*¿? "--"
I wrote ur Name in The §anÐ anÐ Ða Ocean wa§hed It away, I Wrote UR name in My heart AnÐ 4eva it wiLL
i WaS NOT KiSSiNg HiM....i WaS..eR..uH..WiSpEriNg iN HiS MoUtH
YoU AiNt SeEn NuThIn YeT
Im NoT dUmB ThE WoRlD Is JuSt ReAlLy SmArT
i dont swim in your toilet, so please dont pee in my pool
Im NøT ]-[øT...≪≫...Im Øn FlRE
EVERyonE ha§ THE Right 2 ß §tupid ßut you’Re Aßu§ing ThE PRivLaðe
≪¤º§ee My Ha£ø ßright n §hin¥, Me§s wit me i££ kick Ur Hine¥ º¤≫
if ur ni¢e ¢all me §wee±y if ur §wee± ¢all me hunny if ur hð± u ¢an ¢all
me 2ni±e
(*),·´″"``°³о FRinЧħıþ aʼnð Ŀøv? i§ Ða Mo§ŧ Imþørŧaŋŧ
†иiʼng Iŋ Ða ШħøŁe wide WØRŁÐ,·´″"``°³о(*)
fRiend§ §†ay †oge†heR and wi££ be foRever RemembeRed¤*·~ (F)
(K)≫--≫GooФNight ki§§≪--≪ (K)
(*)(8)Twas the night before Christmas when all through
the house. Everybody was stoned even the mouse.(*)(8)
Sweet as heaven hot as hell born to tease but taught to
Don't be a guy, The world is full of guys.Be a MAN
You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same
God made elks, god made deers,God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS
God made mud god made dirt god made guys so girls can flirt
God made coke god made pepsi god made (Name) so darn sexy
i knew something was wrong when my
imaginary friends wouldn't play with mee anymore
Sweet as heaven hot as hell born to tease but taught to please
°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤~*~ur name herre~*~¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°
I know I'm not PeRfEcT, bUt I'm So ClOsE iT sCaReS mE~ ~
Did u fall down the ugly tree and hit every branch on your way down
soRR¥ ⓒan u ReÞeat tHat i haÐ a ßLoNdE Moment
≫--≫ ¿ *§omeøne P£z TaLk 2 Me*¿ ≪--≪
~ do u hav a Band-Aid cos i skinned my knee when i fell 4 u
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again
its not my fault i fell for (NAME), he tripped me
* i lost my teddy bear can i sleep wit chu *
Can i hav a picture of you so i can show santa what i want for christmas*
Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts
If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever
When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to y
~ remember when sum1 annoys u it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to bitch slap da mudda f*(^#&
~ children in da dark cause accidents ... accidents in da dark cause children~
i wanna be barbie ... dat ß +(# has everything
* aaaah im havin one of those blonde moments again
if u like what u see call 1800 - YOU WISH
What a shame looks like the ugly fairy kissed (NAME)on both cheeks
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, but I call them my best friends.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why we call it the present!
(*)(L)†RμE fRiENЧ §† a¥ †◎Ge‡HeR ANÐ
NEVER §a¥ G◎◎Рߥe(*)(L)